I am an artist and I am a mother. I create intuitive abstract art and landscapes from ink, texture and natural elements found in the world around me. I live in Charlotte, NC with my husband and 4 children.

NATURE and ART have always had a powerful grounding effect on my scattered senses. They both offer an invitation to breathe deeper, to see clearer.

In my studio, time slows down as I mindfully guide transparent ink layers and textures to flow through my paintings. My work embodies a playful alchemy of watery ink, sand, rust, paper, coffee and moulding paste.

The tactile somatic process of my art-making inspires a deeper calm and knowing. As I contemplate the natural world, I explore the inner world and themes including mental health, spiritual connection and finding the unexpected beauty in messy or broken things.

My current series, characterized by a neutral palette and minimalist approach, is inspired by the raw earthy textures, coastal patterns, ancient architecture and modern stories discovered during my recent travels to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.



    form and shape


    earthy texture

  • INK

    etherial flow

  • SAND

    from distant shores